SAVMA is the Royal (Dick) Vet chapter for the Student American Veterinary Medicine Association, a national organisation whose parent association is the AVMA, SAVMA was created to foster the growth and education amongst veterinary students through the use of webinars, socials, wet labs, NAVLE prep talks and free food Fridays/SAVMA snack baskets.
As the school currently pays for all student memberships, you can take advantage of all the resources available to SAVMA members for free! These include PLIT student liability insurance, SAVMA awards and scholarships, job opportunities and externship locator, free access/early registration to AVMA events such as the annual convention and/or symposium and access to the JAVMA (Journal pf the AVMA) and The Vet Gazette! Follow out Instagram and Facebook pages for up to date notifications on upcoming events and NAVLE prep!
You can also download the SAVMA app which serves as an easy way to stay up to date with SAVMA news, events, registration dates, scholarships and other opportunities. Search SAVMA on the app store.
Membership is open to all and this year our school has covered the cost for every student!
National Website: https://www.avma.org/membership/SAVMA
Email us: Dick Vet SAVMA (DickVetSAVMA@gmail.com)
Instagram: @dickvetsavma
Facebook: Dick Vet SAVMA