Interested in starting up a new club? It’s very easy!
Here’s how it works:
To become an official club, the club or society should present a constitution and a plan of activities and fees at one of the monthly Dick Vet Student Union meetings.
You may use the constitution template below as a guide for your Club or Committee. Once completed, please submit to the DVSU ( to be presented at the meeting for approval.
Click here: Constitution Template
Looking for funding for your club?
Most clubs and societies work with sponsors to run fundraising events and socials to fund the majority of their activities. There are also funds available from the Edinburgh University Students’ Association and AVS to help.
Students’ Association funding resources: EUSA find funding
James Grant (aka Jimmy) Speed Trust
What is Jimmy Speed?
Founded by a deed of trust in 1985 to the Committee of Veterinary Students of the Royal (Dick) Veterinary College to be maintained and administered on a continuing basis to the benefit of the students of the Royal (Dick) Veterinary College.
Jimmy Speed Trust Objectives
The free annual income of the Trust or such part thereof as shall be decided by the Management Committee in their sole discretion shall be applied in providing financial assistance and support of:
- The Committee of Veterinary Students of the Royal (Dick) Veterinary College (DVSU)
- The Royal (Dick) Veterinary College Athletic Club and the affiliated sections thereof
- Any properly constituted Student clubs, associations or sections within the Royal (Dick) Veterinary College
In each case to enable them to provide study, research, leisure or sporting facilities.
What does this mean for you?
Every autumn, societies (provided they are properly constituted) are asked to submit an application to Jimmy Speed for funds. Representatives from these societies then attend a “disbursement” meeting (chaired by one of the trustees) where they:
- Present their societies’ accounts for the previous year (if not a new society).
- Outline and justify what funds they are requesting and for what purpose.
The representatives present from the other societies then agree what funds are, and if this total is less than the free annual income decided upon by the Management Committee, societies get all what has been agreed. If the total agreed funds is greater than this free annual income, societies are provided with a pro-rata amount.
Cheques for each society are then issued by the Treasurer for collection by a member of the societies’ committee.
Management Committee
- Trustees:
- Dr. Darren Shaw (Treasurer)
- Dr. Thalia Blacking
- Dr. Alastair Macrae
- Presidents of DVSU & Athletics Club
- DVSU & Athletics Club representatives